
Editorial Complaints Policy

At New York Vape Club online magazine, we strive to provide accurate, reliable, and high-quality content to our readers. We value transparency, integrity, and open communication. We understand that there may be instances where readers have concerns or complaints about our editorial content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our commitment to addressing and resolving such complaints in a fair and timely manner.


This policy applies to complaints regarding the editorial content published on New York Vape Club online magazine’s website. It covers articles, opinion pieces, reviews, and any other content produced by our editorial team.

2.Complaint Submission:

If you have a complaint about our editorial content, we encourage you to submit it in writing by email to [email protected]. Please include the following details:

  • Your full name and contact information.
  • The specific article or content in question, including the publication date and title.
  • A clear description of the issue or concern you have with the content.
  • Any supporting evidence or references that are relevant to your complaint.

3.Review Process:

3.1. Acknowledgment: Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within [insert timeframe] and provide you with a reference number for future correspondence.

3.2. Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint, which may include reviewing the relevant content, consulting with the editorial team involved, and seeking additional information if necessary.

3.3. Response: We aim to provide a written response to your complaint within [insert timeframe] of acknowledgment. If more time is required to investigate the matter thoroughly, we will inform you of the delay and provide an estimated timeframe for our response.


4.1. Corrections or Clarifications: If it is determined that the content in question contains inaccuracies, errors, or requires clarification, we will take appropriate action. This may include issuing corrections, updates, or publishing clarifications in a timely manner.

4.2. Feedback and Explanation: If the complaint raises broader concerns about our editorial practices or policies, we will provide a detailed explanation and address the issues raised to the best of our ability. We may also take steps to improve our editorial processes based on the feedback received.

4.3. Appeals: If you are dissatisfied with our initial response, you may request an appeal by contacting us at the same email address. Your appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of our team who was not involved in the initial investigation. We will provide a final written response, outlining the outcome of the appeal, within [insert timeframe].

5.Confidentiality and Privacy:

We treat all complaints with the utmost confidentiality and respect for your privacy. Personal information collected during the complaint process will only be used for the purpose of addressing and resolving your complaint.

6.External Organizations:

If your complaint remains unresolved after following our internal complaints process, you may refer the matter to external organizations or regulatory bodies that oversee journalistic standards in your jurisdiction.

7.Contact Us:

If you have any questions or require further information regarding our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity and handling complaints in a fair and transparent manner. Your feedback is essential in helping us improve our content and maintain the trust of our readers.


BSc Psychology, University of Birmingham, MSc Clinical Dermatology, University of Hertfordshire Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she’s not trying out new skincare products, you’ll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.